Sunday, April 3, 2016


Despite the negative ending of my second year, I returned to China for another two years in Kaifeng. The group I work for is much better for me, and I feel they treat me fairly, which is what anyone could want in a job. I enjoy my coworkers and have a good time.

But this blog, I feel, has run it's course. It's unlikely that I'll update it again. This blog was mostly over my first two years in China, before my CELTA training, and now I have both that and an additional two years of teaching under my belt. I am not in the same position I was when I started this blog five years ago.

Right now, I've started a new blog- one comparing the differences to Kaifeng and Fairbanks as I transition between the two. I'm putting my thoughts and comparisons there in preparation for my new journey, one through an MA of English. .

Thank you all for reading.