Friday, November 2, 2012

Life in general now

I went to a café today to get internet, but their internet was out. I'm rather disappointed. But oh well.
This week my students asked to watch the presidential debate, so I showed them the most recent one. After watching the debate 8 times, I'm beginning to better understand when a candidate answers, argues, or says the same thing. Often the candidates had the same ideas, but they stressed and emphasized different parts to illuminate their difference. I am so glad to have the debates over with. However, my students liked them, and more people asked for copies of the debate than any other video so far in my classes.
For my writing class, I'm on the right track to teaching them outlines and essays- but I need to go farther now. I need to present them an outline and the five paragraph planning session. We've done outlines, essays, but now it's just putting them all together. 
If I haven't mentioned already, the western internet has been slow.
Also, if I haven't mentioned, I'm helping one of my students through the IELTS- she's panicking. I'd prefer, if she wants serious help, to meet once a day. But she's thinking less than that, so we'll see. It'll be a month or so. It feels like I'll I'm doing anymore is working, working, working- I don't have a single free day!

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