Sunday, January 13, 2013

Air quality

For the past couple of days, there's been a very strong fog at nighttime, making everything in Kaifeng creepy as well as being run-down. Man, if you ever wanted to shoot a horror movie, Kaifeng would be a great place- people out of luck, people unable to communicate, people who are surrounded by wires and building decay. 

In the morning, there has been a frost, though it covers mostly the tops of buildings. Never plants, so it is a very unusual frost. 

Yesterday I checked the air quality- the same counter that is used for Beiijing. The scale only goes up to 300, and it says, "over" after that. The quality yesterday was 275. It was shoddy. 

Today, as I wake up, it looks like there's snow outside. There's a low, white cloud and I thought snow had been covering everything. As I went to pick up my early paycheck (yay early monies) I realized it was not snow, but dust. There is a white dust cloud covering the city. 

The quality is 410 and climbing. Here's the website: . 

On the upside, I don't smoke. I'm just inhaling concrete dust. 

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