Saturday, December 3, 2011

Picture Update

There's no particular order to these pictures, sorry.

This is from the fancy dinner in Zhengzhou. It was so fancy. So many foreign people. Somehow, Kaifeng has recently acquired more foreign people- there's a wandering Scotsman hanging around. He's awesome fun.

This is me and my student Angel. They all wanted pictures with me. I said okay. Because really, I'd like pictures with them. I've probably had my photo taken up to 200 times now with random people? I should charge money.

This was a concert we were invited to, and showing how few fire codes were accepted by the public. It's nice to know that if I am in a building and there's a fire, I'm likely to die. Yay! We got a free concert, and the man got free foreigners to attend the concert. What a wonderful trade!

HAND CHAIR. Tried to look as evil as possible, but that photo didn't work out, and this one did. By did, I mean my face is still obscure enough. If I didn't want you to see my face, though, I wouldn't have posted me and my student.
This is the hot pot we had when we came back from the small city the second time. It was delicious, and they have the pots heat by induction- so nothing burns but whatever's in the pot.
This is the halloween party. Costumes!

Bobbing for apples.

Adam, Will, and Ben's hands are at a restaurant. I forget where this is.

Local park in Kaifeng. I forget the name. Has "Bo" in it somewhere.

In this month, it is the chrysanthemum festival. Here's what our college had in the middle of the main road.

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