Monday, December 5, 2011

Writing Finals

I have finals today. I am exhausted just from writing, probably because today I sat down and wrote two and a half finals in one go.

Well, more like.... let me explain.

Finals were are a little strict. Firstly, I have to write two finals per course in case someone fails (because they have a chance to retake the final. A lot of schools would rather pass students than fail them, just because it's near impossible to take a class again). Along with two finals per course, I'm also required to turn in an answer key. I won't be giving the final, but I will be grading them.

So what originally looks like 4 finals turns to 6, since I'm the only teacher teaching three courses. At least the students are all bright, cheerful, and cute. :) I'm going to miss teaching them next semester. :(

On the upside, getting attached to my students is always a good thing. They all have the most different opinions (sometimes we disagree, but I expect when I talk to people in general, so it's not an "I am offended" disagreement) between them, and it's just... fun to watch.

Anyway. So tired from finals. So tired.

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