Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bloodwork Part II


Today we did the bloodwork thing, which normally involves going to Zhengzhou. I had a meeting via skype at 7am (which I was not thrilled with the time) and it meant, since I am leaving tonight, that I needed to wake up at six to prepare. I wasn't sure if I'd have time to prepare or put things away and last night I realized I didn't have the energy to stay up all night doing it. 

So I woke up early, talked, and then met Jackie. While I was waiting I discovered a pleasant surprise- Tatiana, the Russian teacher, is going to be here as well next year!

Here's the fun part: I speak the least Chinese. Tatiana doesn't speak English. So we tried to communicate, which was through mime or through the simplest statements. Most of the time we were silent, but I was glad to have her along. 

We got in the car and started for Zhengzhou when we were told we could do the test in Kaifeng, though it might not be legitimate. It was decided that we would go to Kaifeng. The first hospital told us to come back tomorrow, but I couldn't do that (out of town), so we went to another hospital. 

It was strange, because there were no lines, no people waiting. There wasn't anyone to take our blood, either! On the upside, the peeing part of any exam was really clean- nobody used the toilets, though given that they were only a whole in the ground going down I'm not surprised. 

So then we went back, 3.5 hours after we left, signed our contracts and went on our merry way. 

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