Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My life

Though there are very serious riots happening currently in China about Japan and targeting Japanese companies, restaurants, and people, Kaifeng has been pretty free of riots. This is fine. The only sad thing is that the delicious breadstore is closed. 

I feel it would help if the government didn't encourage people to riot and be angry at the Japanese- most people here hate them though most of the Japanese people are no longer in the age group that would have been soldiers during WWII. Xi'an's provincial government sent out a text encouraging violence. 

Sometimes, China is grating. 

But most people are not the ones in charge, and most people are not rioting. Still, I'm keeping notes- it doesn't take much to switch from hating one ethnic minority to the other, and I don't want to be caught when that happens. 

In other news, my lights don't work, and haven't for about 30 or so hours. Someone was supposed to fix them today- that didn't happen. So I've had no lights, which has been especially disturbing at nighttime. On the upside, the sockets work. 

It's strange that the lights being out cause me so much stress. 

Yesterday it was 

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