Thursday, September 6, 2012


It's been a while since I had internet. The place we stay at, while we don't pay for internet, has given me flickering internet and slow internet. Since it's connected to the school, it is fast in the morning and slow in the evening. It flickers on and off then, too. I'm worried about it, but it can't be helped currently. I'm hiding out in a cafe using the internet while I gather pictures for presentations. 

It doesn't feel like much has changed. I introduced myself to a new class, my only new one, and it was nothing like the adrenaline and fear that was in me my first day of teaching. I have changed, if only in learning how to convince people I know what I'm doing. 

I have the past two days slept in until 6:30am. I must change this and get back up to waking at five. I'm also trying to figure out what to do about a gym. I might pay the pass and go to the gym on campus, just because my schedule is so erratic. It'd last me a long time. I'm glad I bought/inherited the free weights I did, though I'm looking into buying more already. Mostly again because of the gym thing.

My students are excited to see me again- or at least they pretend to be excited to see me again. I am glad to see them again. I like being here, though I miss the other teachers. If I don't go to the office I don't think they're around, though, so the moving of apartments has been quite helpful as well. 

The lack of internet is frustrating, but I'm glad I decided my first few days to grab the materials I needed for the next few months. 

Last night we had dinner with a couple of Australians from our building. It was fun. 

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