Monday, April 2, 2012

Internet Troubles and Updates

Sorry I haven't blogged lately- I've been having VPN troubles on top of internet troubles. For about a week, my internet was out- when I went to talk to the internet people they said their computer reported nothing wrong, so the wires were old and needed replacing in my apartment. Ann's was fixed lickity-split, but mine was fixed after about an hour and a half.

It was no fun. On the upside, to keep myself occupied, I was Queen Victoria in a video game and took over the Russian, American and Aztec empires to keep myself happy. I won the game (before I could crush the Aztecs, sadly), and after the Aztecs would have been the Greeks and Japanese. The Romans had a nice set-up, and the Chinese and Spanish were on islands making them much more difficult to raze.

Alright, enough game talk. Let's see. The weather is quite warm outside, and inside my apartment is cool. This building, being painted white, keeps the cold that was gained in the winter and it takes a long time to warm. The side effect is a nice cool place in the spring, when the weather is really warm.

With the warm weather, the plum blossoms have bloomed. Their sent wafts around the campus. It's quite beautiful, but the scent of human fertilizer for the plants is a more prominent one.

Currently we are on break, which has been fun. The nights have been spent cooking, watching bad movies and playing Mario Cart Wii. I might try to make grilled cheese sandwiches tonight. Even though we're at home, not traveling like Adam and Will or Ann, things have been rather pleasant and enjoyable, which is all a vacation needs to be, I think.

Well, most things. Having bottles break and spill all over Tim's floor are some of the less enjoyable moments.

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