Friday, January 13, 2012

Day Five

Woke up at 8, everyone was talking by 9pm. We went to the grottos at 10, got there t 11:30 (long bus ride), went to see the grottos, came back, went to a restaurant that was closed, went back, got our bags, went to the train station.

I don’t feel like explaining the grottos, so have some movies instead. Forgive my breathing, there were a lot of stairs. A lot.

The train ride was long, long, long. We left at 4:30 (thinking we were going to miss a train that might be early for once) and thought it would be maybe two hours. However, it was three hours. Three hours on a train isn’t bad, however, hard seats are benches where you face the other party, and we’d spent all the time on the buses already- it was annoying. Tiring. I wanted to be home.

Finally we arrived home, got turned around in the station, turned ourselves back around and went out past the taxi drivers waiting for people to pick up. We assumed they had a set price and we didn't want them to…give us that price. While in the taxi I realized I only had 100 yuan, which is annoying to break, and Will only had…nothing. So we had to call Adam and Tim and Tim to help us out. They did so (although waiting raised the price by 2 Yuan), and then we checked back in our rooms (Tim and Tim had a hotel room across the way), and we went to Carol’s place, a place where Adam’s student works, to eat.

There we were celebrities. It seems a lot of students were taking their starter entrance exams, so they pointed and looked at us (they are from places where not many foreigners live) and finally a couple of girls asked to take a picture with us outside of a different restaurant (it offered more light). We agreed, and soon we had many people asking for photos. One girl wanted a photo with only me, and then said, “I want to kiss you.”

I was a little confused- isn’t lesbianism frowned upon in China?

Then we clarified she wanted to kiss me on the cheek and I made a big surprised face for a funny photo, and all was well.

This really means I have done it. I have gotten kissed before Handsome Teacher Will did in China.


And this is the end of my tale!

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