Thursday, January 26, 2012

Puyang Day Three

I know I'm a bit behind on the updates. Sorry. I do mean to update about when Mom got attacked by a lady with leeks. 

On day three we awoke and got up to visit Alexis's house by 10am. When we arrived, they were making jaozi! Jaozi are delicious, and they had at least a hundred made alrady. We volunteered to help, and we did, even if our jaozi were a bit ugly. Mom did the rolling of the dough while I did the pinching. Wasn't perfect, but that's okay. They made us eat our own later. 

Before lunch, Dad set off firecrackers- with the shortest fuse I've seen. He had maybe three seconds before it went off? And it was so loud my ears were ringing afterward. But it was fun. Even when no one was looking directly- luckily my camera was. Later Dad and Mom went off to visit a grandfather, so Alexis, her second older sister and husband, Mom and I were left putting decorations up on the house. I managed to put two wall hangings up before Mom mentioned her feet were cold and she couldn't feel them, so we went back to the hotel. 

That night there was a big dinner. Maybe 21 people. It was Alexis's mom's family, and the uncle gave a speech about how lucky we were to have met each other in this big world of 7 billion people. The grandpa and grandma were there, too, and they were tickled, I think, by the fact that we were there. 

That night on TV was a gala, which reminded me a lot of Japan's gala on the solar New Year's Eve, but I'd had too much wine and opted to stay home rather than risk being toasted again. I'm lucky no one offered me baijou. Brother-in-law had, and he had to leave the viewing of the home gala due to his headache and stomachache. 

Mom came home at about 10, and then we went to bed. What a boring story indeed!

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