Monday, January 2, 2012

There's a break

In the grading, there is a break. I'm waiting for my next course's final, so I'm a bit free.

My students have found me and continually ask what scores they got. I don't have the heart to tell them what scores they got. In fact, nobody failed the course (whoot, that's why I made quizzes and homework worth so much), but one girl came really close with a 59.55%. I'm going to ask Joy if I can round up.

The problem? Well, the average for the classes are around 70%, meaning some students did fail the final exam. But I didn't want that to be the end-all grade, so it's not. And I'm glad of that.

After the 4th, I plan to grade like the wind- because on the 7th, I'm headed out with some other teachers to Xi'an. We're taking some bullet trains, some hostels, and some buses. I'm excited for this trip. Those of us going are Adam, Will, Tim, and Tim's friend.

We'll be back after about three or four days (by bullet train again) and then we'll head over in our province for a day-trip, maybe. Or maybe I'll be tripped out. Who knows. Who knows.

Oh yes, and my mother is coming. I can hear her now. Oh, that might be because of how often I call her. (I suppose it is strange, but when I'm abroad, I call her quite often. I should probably stop, however, they have no children in the house now, and I'd like to remind them as to who their favorite child is (It is Daisy, the dog).)

In an attempt to avoid inputting grades, today I cleaned the toilet. It has taken me a while. While I will not say the state it was in beforehand, I can say that I will no longer be afraid to puke in it while it stays this pretty.

(Nothing says clean your toilet like your stomach so disgusted by it that your stomach refuses to puke).

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