Thursday, October 13, 2011


There were some issues with my vpn for a week, so I'm sorry I wasn't able to be on and update. But I am back now.

Things of importance this week: I had my class split into Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, and Normans to illustrate the history of the British Isles. The first time was awkward, but the second time, the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons fought, which is what I wanted to happen. I appointed someone King Alfred, King Harold, and William the Conquerer. They were all female kings, but you know, I work with what I have. I also added in Horrible Histories! That's my favorite part, when I can break up a very tedious power point to have video.

We've gone back to English Corner. Each night we all have about 20-25 students, if not more, and we try to have conversations. But with groups that big, it's really hard. I think there's only one English corner I missed- I know I went even after the really big dinner. But sometimes foreign teachers don't show up, and that's always difficult. It's not our job, just for fun, but it's so big it's difficult to manage.

This week, and especially this weekend, I'll be missing my family a lot. But I'm thinking of you guys, just as you're thinking of me. (hugs).

I'll post more updates of things I wrote while waiting for the servers to work!

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