Monday, October 3, 2011

What I did the week Will and Ann left me: Day 2

Right. So today, no Will and no Ann. At all. All of Ann's sage wisdom must now wallow in my head. All of Will's indifference....

Will be promptly ignored. Really Will, better be givin' some sage advice other than "you can annoy other people". You should start saying things like "respect your elders" or "Don't lick my window." Anything other than the occasional glance up, eyebrow raise, and return to your book.

So I've been missing...that, I guess.

But not to worry! I have been hanging out with the other teachers + Chinese students! Today the other teachers went to get lunch, and got what we call an egg pita. It's a bread sliced open with cooked cabbage, bean sprouts, oil, some onions and carrots, some spices, and an egg stuffed inside it. It really doesn't look like it'll hold anything, but it does. And it's tasty.

And for those teachers who were able to buy cheese.... (I was not), they managed to bring some cheese to help them eat it.

Then we decided pizza night was happening tonight. At five we went to buy only the giant pita breads, someone had bought Italian pizza sauce and cheese in Zhenzhou, and garlic in the supermarket yesterday, I had bought the margarine, so we all had home-made pizzas and garlic bread. It was okay. Everyone else liked it very much, better than a local pizza chain but to be honest, I like the chain pizza better. However, this one had the benefits of making it in a group.

So yes. For the first night since being in China, I helped make a homemade meal. Even if my system is now going "CHEESE WHERE DID THIS COME FROM OH NO WE WERE CAUGHT UNAWARES".

Tomorrow I'm going to try and make toast. In my microwave that doubles as an oven.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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