Saturday, October 22, 2011

Current Event Time

If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you’re aware that there’s been a girl in China who was run over by two vans, and passed by many people on the street until someone, a street sweeper, called for help and rescued her. This event has sparked a lot of controversy, as many people talk about how China needs to re-embrace its moral code and how people need to help one another. (The girl died if you have not heard that new part of information).

Today a student came by, J, and helped explain it to me. J had some extra tickets she wanted to give me, so I accepted them. I can now get into a few parks for free sooner, and not just after Nov. 1rst, when I originally thought I would! (I was going to attempt a Monday update about a new park I visited once that arrived).

J said a year ago, there was a similar incident, except it involved an old woman. The old woman was hit by a car in Nanjing (according to her), and a man rushed over to help. The old woman ended up suing the man and took the case to one of the highest courts. The old woman won.

So now nobody wants to help people in China. She asked me if I would, and my response was naturally, “of course!” but then I took a moment to think. Would I help someone I saw in the street? And the answer in China is no, I would not. I don’t know enough Chinese to rush to anyone’s rescue, I don’t know how to flag help (I can't even call for it), and also, I am aware foreigners get blamed a lot for any accident they show up in, helpful or not. Does this make me a bad person?


Last night the Beloit Professors left. I got to thank Betsy for helping me get the job in Kaifeng, mentioned I was leaning toward two years here (I say this with a grain of salt, but yeah, I can see myself here for another year), sang at karaoke. With a Peking Duck restaurant, it was really quite delicious!

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