Monday, November 7, 2011

Also today

Well, I think aside from the first week I was here, I'm starting to get a cold. It's been raining, my fingers feel a little pain in the joints (I sound so old), I was really, really tired this morning, and I've been tired ever since. I didn't walk to lunch but I did walk to the office to inquire about a package that should have come maybe a few days ago. It was there, in someone else's office, and Adam (who was also expecting a package) went with me to inquire. He got a letter and we were informed there were packages for us upstairs. But after that trekking, I felt weak. I shouldn't have been that weak, out of breath and just achy. So I think I must have some sort of cold. Hopefully it will clear up.

Oh yes today I got a package and inside it were sheets, conditioner, starburst, tampons, and other things mom had collected from inside my room. So this particular package was mostly just a shipping cost....

I have one more package coming, but that's useful and I'll update you about it more later. Until then I've asked them to stop sending packages, it's expensive. Whether they do it or not, I have no idea, but at least I know that I've made my request clear.

I have discovered that my space heater works, although there is little space it heats and a lot of space to fill. Sad. I see many long days away from my desk because theres no outlet that I can plug the heater into.

I also see it warming up the bedroom, because that place is so dank and daft it hurts at night. I often am tempted to just sleep on the sofa in my living room. Oh well.

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