Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sunday Thanksgiving

Yesterday we had thanksgiving. It was pretty fun, having about 15 people show up. We had five nationalities; American, Chinese, Japanese, Australian and German. The turkey we cooked in a convention oven, and we had to use hot plates in order to boil anything. Despite these setbacks, we still managed to have a really decent thanksgiving. We had mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes and broccoli (okay, a lot of broccoli), cookies, turkey (16lbs fed 15 of us really well), stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc. It worked beautifully. I dunno, if there ever was an up day, Thanksgiving was it.

Most of the day I spent watching the turkey or helping peel things (apples, potatoes, carrots, anything because in China you never eat the skin for safety reasons). Everyone had their focus on a dish, but I’d say Adam was the Head chef and I might have been the Souse Chef (sp). It was a lot of fun, and cleanup didn’t take so long. So Thanksgiving, when finally celebrated, was a very, very, very good day.

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