Sunday, November 20, 2011

Food Poisoning

Well, it finally happened. Not at all surprised it did happen, and to be fair, I was expecting it sooner.

I have food poisoning. Ick. Most of my expelling food was done in the night, so I was able to sleep/meditate in between my digestive tract wanting nothing inside of it and taking measures to do so. So here I am, Monday morning, feeling much better (no pressure, but still, no appetite), and trying to figure out how much water my stomach will accept before it complains.

On the upside, I have no classes today.

On the downside, tomorrow would be a very important sort of presentation I'm giving. As long as I can force my way through that, I should be fine.

I'm not sure where I got it; another teacher started puking about that same time (20 minutes before my stomach started hurting), so it's possible I got it at the same time he did. But sadly, there's no way of knowing where it came from.

Here's the fun part; with everywhere I eat, I don't know where it came from, but no place would surprise me. There are no official restaurants the same way there are in the states, sometimes the kitchens are just as makeshift as the ones outside. So. It is a mystery.

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