Monday, September 19, 2011

Candied Apple Stall and then Fun things

Today the exchange students started their classes. Ann went to sit on them, but I stayed in bed. One student is having issues with his visa. I'm just really glad I didn't have to do so.

We ate at the swing place again.

Remember what it looks like? Swings and Santa Claus?

Well, now I have a picture, taken with my iphone.

After we were done, we found a candy apple vendor, selling crabapples coated in caramel stuffs. Here’s a few movies of people and them.

Then we found the other teachers, and went back into the school via South Gate.

Which looks like this.

Mostly, today is a day full of very clear, clean weather and I am enjoying it very, very much. I’m going to talk a nice walk later, and enjoy the sun and the clear skies (instead of traditional 90% humidity, today is 67%). And sadly, this is the first nice day we’ve had in a very long while. Maybe the second since I’ve been here?

Afterward, I played some frisbee, which was a lot of fun. Then we had dinner at West Gate, mainly stall food, and I ate a dinner that more than filled me up for less than $3. I mean, I was stuffed. Fried chicken in a pita for $.78. Choose your own soup for $.63. Then bubble milk tea for $1.25.

Lunch was also about $1.25.

I enjoy the prices and good food- I think it might be because Kaifeng is so tiny, it can't afford to have bad food. If you have bad food no one will eat at your restaurant, and there aren't enough people in the city to survive on newcomers who have never been. So the size of the city helps the quality, and the monetary status of the city (poor) affects the price.

On the upside for me, it means I can save myself a lot of money.

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